What did the F.B.I. get from unlocking an iPhone?

With the battle between Apple and the F.B.I over a locked iPhone now ended, the question exists about exactly what information the F.B.I were able to get from the iPhone in question which belonged to one of the attackers in the recent rampage in San Bernardino, California.

The F.B.I.'s general counsel, James A. Baker, recently told privacy professionals in Washington that the data that the F.B.I. had extracted from the phone was being put to use. However, Mr Baker made no comment about whether or not he considered the data extracted to be "useful".

Justifying the F.B.I.'s actions, Mr Baker went on to say that "It was worth the fight to make sure that we have turned over every rock that we can with respect to the investigation. We owe it to the victims and the families to make sure that we pursue every logical lead."

We will need to wait and see if the data the F.B.I. has will be made public. Mr Baker said "If and when it becomes appropriate to disclose it, we will."

By Daniel Gardener

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